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  1. 有啥可空闲时间做的兼职 ,打工人太难了。
  2. https://github.com/ckvv/lumos/releases 下载你对应机器的安装包 https://huggingface.co/models?library=gguf 打开需要使用的模型即可
  3. 我最近一直在使用 ChatGPT 来读文档,主要是论文和代码。感觉 ChatGPT 网页端的读文档功能实在有点勉强,如果要使用其他类似的服务,又要再付费。 所以我做了个浏览器插件,给 ChatGPT 的读文档功能增加了一些辅助能力: 💠 即时文档预览:上传文档,在 ChatGPT 内直接查看,无需切换标签或应用程序。 💠 自动生成目录:点击生成的目录即可快速跳转到目标内容。 💠 实时图表渲染:直接在对话中可视化图表和数据。 💠 内置一些常用提示词: 测试对文档的理解能力。 直接根据文档,生成各种各种编程语言的代码 目前正在 product hunt 发布,麻烦大家顺手点个 Upvote: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/doc-insight 插件下载页: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/doc-insight/pfkgmepjhjjijjkbkoehbfioolmaecjc
  4. 旧英朗开了 7 年多了,没啥毛病,就是开着累 家里有一个 3 岁的娃,日常出行 3-5 人,偶尔跑跑长途( 3h 左右),腰不好😅主要想开着舒服,倾向于 suv ,非常喜欢座椅按摩哈哈 有经验的大佬求推荐推荐,谢谢大家
  5. Macbook proPro 19 款 用的充电器型号是哪个规格?有没有正在用的朋友,帮忙看看 原装的丢了,想重买个,不知道买什么配置的
  6. https://i-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/22810b8f637f460a9bce53752e500550.png 真的是恶心到我了,Java 这个是怎么了。。。。。。。
  7. 相关文章&讨论: https://medium.com/@bohachu/chatgpt%E6%8D%A8%E6%A3%84next-js%E6%94%B9%E7%94%A8remix%E6%A1%86%E6%9E%B6-15118a6aa927 https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/1f97zgr/chatgpt_migrates_from_nextjs_to_remix/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/comments/1fa2dpq/found_an_interesting_video_re_why_chatgpt_likely/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/comments/1f92jdv/chatgptcom_switched_from_nextjs_to_remix/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHWgGfZpk00
  8. 关键词: ·不打游戏~ ·性价比~ ·不易坏~ ·大手~ ·抓握~ ·颜值高~ ·静音~ 目前在用并拥有三个, [罗技 M330 ] ,三个字,真 TM 垃圾!!! 左键都失灵!!! 滚轮都失灵!!! 忍不住了,我要换!!!!!!
  9. https://rollup.wtf/
  10. 假设有这么三个机会: 拿到投资的创业团队,创始人靠谱,偶尔加班,收入居中 非互联网但有一定规模的软件企业,重点部门,不加班,收入在三者中偏低 互联网大厂,但不是盈利的核心业务部门,加班比较频繁,收入在三者中最高 三个做的领域差不多,且自己都感兴趣,只是公司环境和业务对公司的重要程度不同。你会选择哪个?
  11. 🌟 加入 NVIDIA ,共创未来!🚀 我们正在寻找对 NVIS 领域充满热情的人才。如果你对网络、存储、DevOps 或 AI/ML 感兴趣,快来投递简历吧! 📧 发送英文简历至 [ sh-recruitment@nvidia.com ] ,并注明感兴趣的方向。 #NVIDIA 职等你来 💼✨ NVIDIA 创造了与众不同的工作场所,每个人都能做出贡献,并有自己的归属感。 从医疗健康到机器人,从自动驾驶汽车到电影大片,每天都有越来越多的新机会,供您发挥所长。从设计令人惊叹的产品,到打造一家可以让员工奋斗终生的伟大公司,这些信念始终贯穿我们的每项工作。 NVIDIA 提供工作和生活的平衡,有竞争力的薪水,以及与来自世界各地的同事一起工作的机会。 准备好加入我们了吗? [ Senior Solutions Architect, Industry Customer Success and Partnership – NVIS *3 ] What you'll be doing: • Engage with NVIDIA Cloud Partners (NCP) to drive initiatives, shape new business opportunities, and cultivate collaborations in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), contributing to the advancement of our cloud solutions. • Identify and pursue new business opportunities for NVIDIA products and technology solutions in datacenters and artificial intelligence applications, closely collaborating with Engineering, Product Management, and Sales teams. • Serve as a technical specialist for GPU and networking products, collaborating closely with sales account managers to secure design wins and actively engaging with customer engineers, management, and architects at key accounts. What we need to see: • BS/MS/PhD or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Data Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, other Engineering fields with at least 8 years work or research experience in networking fundamentals, TCP/IP stack, and data center architecture. • Ideal candidate possesses 8+ years of Solution Architect or similar Sales Engineering experience, demonstrating motivation and skills to drive the technical pre-sales process. • Deep expertise in datacenter engineering, GPU, networking, including a solid understanding of network topologies, server and storage architecture. • Proficiency in system-level aspects, encompassing Operating Systems, Linux kernel drivers, GPUs, NICs, and hardware architecture. • Demonstrated expertise in cloud orchestration software and job schedulers, including platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and HPC-specific schedulers such as Slurm. Strong written, verbal, and listening skills in English are critical. Location: Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen [ Senior Solutions Architect, Cloud Infrastructure and DevOps – NVIS *3 ] What you'll be doing: • Design, implement and maintain large scale HPC/AI clusters with monitoring, logging and alerting Manage Linux job/workload schedulers and orchestration tools. • Develop and maintain continuous integration and delivery pipelines . • Develop tooling to automate deployment and management of large-scale infrastructure environments, to automate operational monitoring and alerting, and to enable self-service consumption of resources. • Deploy monitoring solutions for the servers, network and storage. • Perform troubleshooting bottom up from bare metal, operating system, software stack and application level. • Being a technical resource, develop, re-define and document standard methodologies to share with internal teams Support Research & Development activities and engage in POCs/POVs for future improvements What we need to see: • BS/MS/PhD or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Data Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, other Engineering fields with at least 8 years work or research experience in networking fundamentals, TCP/IP stack, and data center architecture. • Knowledge of HPC and AI solution technologies from CPU’s and GPU’s to high speed interconnects and supporting software. • Direct design, implementation and management experience with cloud computing platforms (e.g. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). • Experience with job scheduling workloads and orchestration technologies such as Slurm, Kubernetes and Singularity. • Excellent knowledge of Windows and Linux (Redhat/CentOS and Ubuntu) networking (sockets, firewalld, iptables, wireshark, etc.) and internals, ACLs and OS level security protection and common protocols e.g. TCP, DHCP, DNS, etc. • Experience with multiple storage solutions such as Lustre, GPFS, zfs and xfs. Familiarity with newer and emerging storage technologies. • Python programming and bash scripting experience. • Comfortable with automation and configuration management tools including Jenkins, Ansible, Puppet/Chef, etc. • Deep knowledge of Networking Protocols like InfiniBand, Ethernet Deep understanding and experience with virtual systems (for example VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, or Citrix). • Strong written, verbal, and listening skills in English are critical. Location: Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen [ Senior Solutions Architect, NIC and DPU – NVIS *3 ] What you'll be doing: • Support GPU, NIC, and networking applications on the converged GPU/DPU/NIC and x86 platforms work on customer production activities, introducing and integrating NVIDIA networking products to new and existing customers. • Gain customers’ trust and understand their needs. • Work closely with support cross-functional teams, optimize customer environment, and maintain resiliency. • Help with customer production requirements alongside engineering and product teams. • Address sophisticated and obvious customer issues. What we need to see: • BS/MS/PhD or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Data Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, other Engineering fields with at least 8 years work or research experience in networking fundamentals, TCP/IP stack, and data center architecture. • 8+ years of experience with configuring, testing, validating, and issue resolution of LAN and InfiniBand networking, including use of validation tools for InfiniBand health and performance including medium to large scale HPC/AI network environments. • Knowledge and experience with Linux system administration/dev ops, process management, package management, task scheduling, kernel management, boot procedures, solving, performance reporting/optimization/logging, and network-routing/advanced networking (tuning and monitoring). • Strong written, verbal, and listening skills in English are critical. Location: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen [ Senior Solutions Architect, Infiniband and Networking Ethernet – NVIS *6 ] What you'll be doing: • Primary responsibilities will include building AI/HPC infrastructure for new and existing customers. • Support operational and reliability aspects of large-scale AI clusters, focusing on performance at scale, real-time monitoring, logging, and alerting. • Engage in and improve the whole lifecycle of services—from inception and design through deployment, operation, and refinement. • Maintain services once they are live by measuring and monitoring availability, latency, and overall system health. • Provide feedback to internal teams such as opening bugs, documenting workarounds, and suggesting improvements. What we need to see: • BS/MS/PhD or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Data Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, other Engineering fields with at least 8 years work or research experience in networking fundamentals, TCP/IP stack, and data center architecture. • 8+ years of experience with configuring, testing, validating, and issue resolution of LAN and InfiniBand networking, including use of validation tools for InfiniBand health and performance including medium to large scale HPC/AI network environments. • Knowledge and experience with Linux system administration/dev ops, process management, package management, task scheduling, kernel management, boot procedures, troubleshooting, performance reporting/optimization/logging, and network-routing/advanced networking (tuning and monitoring). • Strong written, verbal, and listening skills in English are critical. Location: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen [ Senior Solution Architect, HPC and AI – NVIS *3 ] What You’ll Be Doing: • Primary responsibilities will include building robust AI/HPC infrastructure for new and existing customers. • Support operational and reliability aspects of large-scale AI clusters, focusing on performance at scale, training stability, real-time monitoring, logging, and alerting. • Engage in and improve the whole lifecycle of services from inception and design through deployment, operation, and refinement. • Your primary focus would be on understanding the AI workload and how it interacts with other parts of the system like networking, storage, deep learning frameworks, data cleaning tools, etc. • Help maintain services once they are live by measuring and monitoring progress of AI jobs and helping engineering design solutions for more robust training at scale. • Provide feedback to internal teams such as opening bugs, documenting workarounds, and suggesting improvements. What We Need to See: • BS/MS/PhD or equivalent experience in Computer Science, Data Science, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, other Engineering fields with at least 8 years work or research experience with Python/ C++ / other software development. • Track record of medium to large scale AI training and understanding of key libraries used for NLP/LLM/VLA training (NeMo Framework, DeepSpeed etc.) • You are excited to work with multiple levels and teams across organizations (Engineering, Product, Sales and Marketing team) Capable of working in a constantly evolving environment without losing focus. Ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment. Strong written, verbal, and listening skills in English are critical. Location: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen [ How to apply?] Send your resume to [ sh-recruitment@nvidia.com ] with email subject: NVIS + Position Name 在这里,更有超多福利等着你! •提供英语学习资源平台,按要求完成课时及考试,费用全免 •继续教育项目,提供职业相关进修的学费报销 •员工育儿假、独生子女父母护理假(按所在地政策执行),男员工陪产假 •提供年度体检、健康管理等项目为员工健康保驾护航 •惊喜内购商店,积分购买 NVIDIA 内部定制好物 •员工购股计划,业内最具吸引力的员工福利之一
  12. 确认了网络设备之后开始研究异地组网的问题。 目前情况是: 有 3 处地方需要组网,暂且用 A 、B 、C 3 个字母替代吧。 A 地是家里,电信 1000MB 宽带,有 ipv4 公网,路由器支持 WireGuard ; B 地是家里,电信 300MB 宽带,暂时没有公网,路由器支持 WireGuard ; C 地是办公室,电信宽带,带宽不明,确认无公网,计划用一台 NUC 装 WireGuard 。 目前是想把 A 、B 、C 3 地组成局域网,当人在外地出差的时候可以方便连回任意一个地点。除此之外,希望 3 地能够实现互通: 1. 移动设备与 2 个家庭局域网互联 2. 移动设备与公司局域网互联 3. 2 个家庭局域网都与公司局域网互联 4. 公司局域网与 2 个家庭局域网互联 5. 2 个家庭之间能够局域网互联 想请问大佬们: 1. 这个需求 WireGuard 可以做到吗? 2. 如果 WireGuard 可以做到的话,是否可以不需要外界的有公网的主机?因为我看很多教程都是通过阿里等提供公网的主机来中继的,这样速度会有瓶颈,所以不想要这种方式。 感谢各位指点迷津的大佬!
  13. 之前都是在微信读书上免费看书,最近想充会员 得到的读书氛围好像更好一些,价格也差不多,但是就是迁移书架太费劲了
  14. 请教各位高手: 设备是一台安卓车机,通过 4G 手机卡上网。安装了导航、youtube ( SSR )什么的一直都用着没问题。 前几天安装了 Apple Music 发现了非常奇怪的网络问题,具体症状如下: 资料库可以正常打开、更新 资料库的歌曲都可以正常在线播放 除了资料库意外的其他 tab 一律显示不了,要么显示离线,要么是网络出错。 歌词不能显示 这就让我感觉很奇怪,按理说如果网络不通的话 Apple Music 应该是完全不能连接网络。现在这种一半可以一半不行到底是什么情况啊? 我也试着在关闭或者打开 SSR ,在 SSR 里面设置全部走代理、全部走直连或者只有 GFW 走代理,或者国外 IP 走代理等模式,好像并没有什么差别。 BTW 我的 Apple ID 是国区。手机卡是中国电信的。
  15. 兄弟们,有没有遇到 mac 在使用 wps 的表格或者 xmind 拷贝粘贴的快捷键不好用的情况,这个是怎么回事啊
  16. 卧槽,终于有这一天了!深户无社保要求,非深户购买福田等区只要一年社保,盐田等区无须社保了…
  17. 假如,用户 A 自己收集了一批网站资源和网盘链接(网盘链接是别人的网盘存储的),这些网站资源和网盘链接中里面含有大量地视频、文档、书籍等内容,当然这些资源都是盗版的。 如果用户 A 把自己整理的网站资源和网盘链接通过售卖的方式给用户 B ,然后用户 B 把网站里面的视频、文档、书籍自己售卖。 用户 B 在售卖的过程中,遇到了钓鱼执法。 用户 B 被抓了,然后说出了用户 A 和涉及到的网站。 那么用户 A 、用户 B 、网站方 分别需要付什么责任。 其中用户 A 是否违法?
  18. 我现在正在学习 springBoot ,因为只有 Java 基础,现在看 bilibili 的视频,先看的 spring framework 的,看到后面有点看不懂了,这个时候我是应该停下来从头开始一点点掌握了再往下看,还是硬着头皮先把整套视频看完有个大概了解再过来看第二遍呢,硬着头皮的话会不会后面的都看不懂了,大家是怎么学习一门新技术的
  19. 最近有听一些需要思考的播客,其实听的时候也不能走神。比如浏览帖子或者开车时其实也没法听,一般就洗澡的时候 随便听一会儿。如果有专门的时间的话,可能获取信息的效率也不如阅读或视频 看到有很些听播客时长很长的人,时间都是从哪来的
  20. 面试进度快,进度全程积极跟踪,别犹豫了,速来~ 邮箱: c3B1dG5pa193YW5nQG91dGxvb2suY29t 任何问题欢迎邮件沟通 [职位描述] 蚂蚁集团平台技术事业群,平台体验技术部正在招聘前端/全栈工程师。 打造高品质的工程平台、文档协同等产品。 深度探索 AI 在前端领域的技术落地。 [职位要求] 精通前端或者服务端编程技术的一种,并且对另一端有一定了解。 具备强烈的技术进取心,良好的沟通与合作精神,拥有优秀的问题分析及解决能力。 熟悉前端框架、Webpack/Rollup 工具链原理,前端工程体系者优先。 或者熟悉 Node.js 服务器端编程和框架,有数据库或云平台服务经验者优先。 或者熟悉大前端跨端领域,RN/Electron 或 Android/iOS 有规模化应用研发经验者优先。 或者熟悉富文本、表格、思维建模图等编辑技术原理,有规模化应用研发经验者优先。 有算法领域学习背景或者有优秀的开源产品者优先。
  21. 环境是: 手机:iPhone 16 Pro Max ,18.0.1 手表:Apple Watch Series 7 11.0.1 使用手表录音后,不会同步到 iPhone 。 已尝试分别重启设备,状况依旧。 有朋友遇到同样的情况吗? 以及,这样的情况下,有没有办法把 Watch 中的录音导出到 iPhone 中呢? 谢谢!
  22. 来自界面新闻消息: 据新浪科技,有海康威视员工日前透露,公司近期正在进行大规模组织调整,32 个研发区域收缩到 12 个,“只保留几个核心区域,其余全部优化掉,预计会涉及 1000 多人。” 对于此次调整,记者向海康威视方面求证,截至发稿,公司暂无回应。 新闻原地址: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FHfrwjr768KAdbIhiS6oVw ------------- 免责:该消息仅引诉,不代表对海康威视的任何看法和评价。 年末裁员,拿到的赔偿款就是自己一年工作下来的绩效年终奖。诶。实属无奈。
  23. 毕业八年了,到现在有车有房有老婆有存款,工作稳定还不忙。但是心里总是空落落的。虽然达到了毕业时追求的生活,但是每天都觉得很疲惫。生活缺少活力。决定年底辞职,做自己想做的事情,也许人生就是折腾。
  24. Mermaid 介绍 首先,什么是 Mermaid? Mermaid.js 是一款开源 流程图/序列图 的制作工具, 它允许你使用简单的文本语法来创建各种类型的图表。 无论你是开发者、学生还是普通用户, Mermaid.js 都能帮助你将复杂的信息以直观、易懂的方式呈现出来。 在 AI 技术的加持下,Mermaid 现已支持把用户内容自动转成对应的文本语法, 从而达到自动生成流程图的目地。 这不仅提高了工作效率,还使非专业用户也能轻松创建复杂的图表。 访问 [中文 Mermaid ] 体验 AI + Mermaid.js ,构建出你心中的可视化世界。 Mermaid 示例 文本内容 flowchart TD A[开始] --> B[打开任意门] B --> C{选择目的地} C --> D[金字塔] C --> E[兵马俑] D --> F[解锁谜题] E --> G[探索迷宫] F --> H[回程] G --> H[回程] 内容的显示图 Mermaid 语法解释 第 1 行:图表类型与显示方向 图表类型:使用 flowchart 来声明图表的类型为:流程图。 显示方向: TB:从上到下 BT:从下到上 LR:从左往右 RL:从右往左 从第 2 行起,描述各个节点及其连接关系: 节点定义: id[文字描述]:矩形节点 id(文字描述):圆角矩形节点 id{文字描述}:菱形节点 连接线定义: 实线连接:--- 虚线连接:-.- 带箭头的连接:--> 每一行的描述方式为:起始节点+连接线+目标节点 在上例中: A 是流程的起点。 B 是打开任意门的步骤。 C 是一个判断节点,决定选择的目的地。 D 和 E 分别表示金字塔和兵马俑。最终,所有路径都汇聚到 H ,表示流程结束。 通过这种方式,Mermaid.js 提供了一种简洁而强大的方法来创建和展示复杂的信息流。
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