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文件 发表由 彼得帕克

  1. 免费

    3.9.11 主要更新:
    - 优化了转发消息时编辑留言的体验;
    - 修复了一些已知问题。
    3.9.10 主要更新:
    - 文字消息可放大阅读;
    - 语音或视频通话过程中插拔或切换设备优化;
    - 修复了一些已知问题。
    - 新增锁定功能、最近搜索记录 (3.9.5)
    - 正在发送中的消息可直接撤回 (3.9.5)
    - 这次翻译了可以翻译网页内容 (3.9.0)
    - 群管理者可以将群里的消息置顶 (3.8.1)
    - 可提取和翻译图片中的文字内容 (3.8.1)
    - 服务号消息默认为免打扰 (3.7.5)
    - 群视频通话增加大图模式 (3.7.5)
    - 群视频通话时可共享屏幕 (3.7.5)
    - 可以查找微信号并添加朋友 (3.7.x)
    - 可以截图识别二维码或小程序码 (3.7.x)
    - 可以识别图片中的多个二维码和小程序码 (3.7.x)
    - 可以在电脑与手机之间互相迁移聊天记录 (3.7.6)
    1. 反汇编处理Dll模块(非劫持内存注入,安全无封号风险)
    可以编辑自己撤回的消息(即当您撤回自己的消息后, 有提示可撤回编辑)
    可以显示对方已撤回提示(即防撤回对方消息, 您这显示对方已撤回提示)
    # 无人值守静默安装参数:/ai /gm2(默认绝对路径D盘)
    静默安装指定位置:/ai /gm2 /InstallPath="自定义路径"
    示例:软件包.exe /ai /gm2 /InstallPath="D:\MyProgram"
  2. 免费

    2024.07.31 v1.6.1 紧急修复
    - 修复无法搜索显示空白的问题
    - 修复播放收藏歌单无法播放的问题
    - 修复乐库2无法播放提示获取失败问题
    - 修复当单曲循环的时歌词不能循环显示问题
    - 去除广告弹窗(AI产品推广)
    - 去除首页顶部广告(安卓影视推广)
    - 去除更新提示弹窗,切断在线检测更新
    - 去除关于界面按钮:更新、反馈、公众号
    .Net Framwork 4.8, Windows 7 或更高版64位
  3. 免费
  4. 免费

  5. 免费

  6. 免费
    站长介绍-Mio 3D-v4是一款比较小众的3D建模软件,我基本只用来转换格式用,可以非常好的把STP或者STPE格式的3D文件转换为OBJ格式!转换成功后的OBJ格式用C4D、或者Maya、3Dmix可直接使用,基本不会出现破面、不规整的情况。(软件为破解版,仅供个人学习使用,请勿商用。)

    百度介绍-moi3d 4.0是一款强大、精确、易用的三维建模软件,并v4版本是moi3d系列最新的版本,在这里依然为用户们带来了简洁友好的主界面,同时该软件主要是基于多边形的艺术家的绝佳补充工具,因为它的CAD工具集和先进的布尔函数可以非常快速地创建机械或人造类型的“硬表面”模型。而且,不得不说的是moi3d v4版与上一个版本相比自然为用户们带来了许多的新功能和细节优化增强,例如其中为用户们提供了全新的Flow工具,这是一种通用的变形工具,主要是通过将最初建模为平面2D图案的对象变形为弯曲形状,这样就可以很好的帮助用户构建弯曲图案的细节。同时,在该版本中为用户们带来新的NSided孔填充命令,通过它可以轻松的帮助用户在矢量下方包含带阴影的背景图像以及带有重音的轮廓和轮廓生成2D图形,这极大地提高了MoI在生成2D矢量插图以及用于打印的基本车间图纸方面的使用。
  7. 免费
    名称:Dragon Quest X Offline Trainer
    版本: v2.0+
    Num 1 – Infinite HP
    Num 2 – Infinite MP
    Num 3 – Max Tension Gauge
    Num 4 – Max Drop Rate
    Num 5 – Set Game Speed
    Num 6 – Set Movement Speed
    Num 7 – Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Money
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Money Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Edit Consumables Amount
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Edit Bank Money
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Edit Casino Coins
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Edit Fish Coins
    Ctrl+Num 7 – Edit Tiny Medals
    Ctrl+Num 8 – Infinite Exp
    Ctrl+Num 9 – Exp Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 0 – Edit Skill Points
    Edit Character Stats
    Alt+Num 1 – Edit Max HP
    Alt+Num 2 – Edit Max MP
    Alt+Num 3 – Edit Strength/Attack
    Alt+Num 4 – Edit Vitality/Defense
    Alt+Num 5 – Edit Attack Magic Power
    Alt+Num 6 – Edit Heal Magic Power
    Alt+Num 7 – Edit Agility
    Alt+Num 8 – Edit Dexterity
    Alt+Num 9 – Edit Charm
  8. 免费
    名称:WARNO Trainer

    Num 1 – Edit Requisition Points
    Num 2 – Infinite Units
    Num 3 – Infinite Fuel
    Num 4 – Infinite Ammo
    Num 5 – Army General Mode: Infinite Action Points
    Num 6 – Set Game Speed
  9. 免费
    名称:Age of Wonders 4

    版本: v1.0-v1.007

    Num 1 – Edit Gold
    Num 2 – Edit Mana
    Num 3 – Edit Imperium
    Num 4 – Edit Soul
    Num 5 – Edit Thrall
    Num 6 – Edit Binding Essence
    Num 7 – Instant Research
    Num 8 – Infinite Hurry Production & Recruitments
    Num 9 – Infinite World Map Casting Points
    Num 0 – Infinite Combat Casting Points
    Num . – Player Units: Infinite Health
    Num + – Player Units: Infinite Movement
    Num – – AI Units: Drain Health/One Hit Kills
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Infinite Skill Points
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Max Empire Development Affinity
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Set Game Speed
  10. 免费
    名称:Legend of Mortal Trainer


    Num 1 – Combat: Infinite HP
    Num 2 – Combat: Infinite MP
    Num 3 – Combat: Max Dodge Chance
    Num 4 – Combat: Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Num 5 – Group Battle: Infinite Health
    Num 6 – Group Battle: Infinite Stamina
    Num 7 – Group Battle: Skills Instant Cooldown
    Num 8 – Group Battle: Infinite Time
    Num 9 – Group Battle: Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Money
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Edit Contribution
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Edit Faction Assets
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Edit Faction Fame
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Edit Faction Population
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Edit Faction Unity
    Ctrl+Num 7 – Edit Clicked Item Amount
    Ctrl+Num 8 – Infinite Practice Cost
    Ctrl+Num 9 – Fast Practice
    Ctrl+Num 0 – Infinite Forging & Alchemy Cost
    Ctrl+Num . – Fast Forging & Alchemy
    Ctrl+Num + – Max Friendship
    Ctrl+Num – – Set Dice Value
    Ctrl+Num / – Set Game Speed
    Alt+Num 1 – Infinite Action Points
    Alt+Num 2 – Edit Mood
    Alt+Num 3 – Edit Martial Points
    Alt+Num 4 – Edit Forging Points
    Alt+Num 5 – Edit Alchemy Points
    Edit Player Base Stats
    Alt+Num 6 – Edit Stat: Vitality
    Alt+Num 7 – Edit Stat: Internal Force
    Alt+Num 8 – Edit Stat: Fist
    Alt+Num 9 – Edit Stat: Hidden Weapon
    Alt+Num 0 – Edit Stat: Sword
    Alt+Num . – Edit Stat: Dexterity
    Shift+F1 – Edit Stat: Literacy
    Shift+F2 – Edit Stat: Talking
    Shift+F3 – Edit Stat: Poison Resistance
    Shift+F4 – Edit Stat: Paralysis Resistance
    Shift+F5 – Edit Stat: Disposition
    Shift+F6 – Edit Stat: Behaviour
    Shift+F7 – Edit Stat: Moral
    Shift+F8 – Edit Stat: Training
    Shift+F9 – Edit Stat: Fate
    Shift+F10 – Edit Stat: Yin Yang
  11. 免费
    关于中文选择-第一次进入游戏会有语言选择的 注意看清楚了.

    删除存档重新进入游戏 再次选择语言.
    如果还不会…下载这个文件 解压覆盖到游戏GAME文件夹里面就行了

  12. 免费
    名称:Nine Sols Trainer

    Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hits
    Num 2 – Infinite Health
    Num 3 – Energy Won’t Decrease
    Num 4 – Medicine Pipe Usage Won’t Decrease
    Num 5 – Dash Instant Cooldown
    Num 6 – Set Game Speed
    Num 7 – Set Movement Speed
    Num 8 – Set Jump Height
    Num 9 – Infinite Jumps
    Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Num . – Damage Multiplier
    Num + – Defense Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Money
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Money Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Infinite Exp
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Exp Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Edit Skill Points
  13. 免费
    名称:No Man’s Sky

    Num 1 – Infinite Health
    Num 2 – Infinite Shield
    Num 3 – Infinite Stamina
    Num 4 – Jetpack Infinite Energy
    Num 5 – Multi-Tool No Overheat
    Num 6 – No Reload
    Num 7 – Infinite Grenades
    Num 8 – Infinite Items
    Num 9 – No/Minimum Crafting Requirements
    Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Destroy
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Starship Infinite Health
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Starship Infinite Shield
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Starship Weapons No Overheat
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Infinite Units
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Add Units
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Set Game Speed
    Ctrl+Num 7 – Open Locks Without Atlas Pass
    Ctrl+Num 8 – Translate All Alien Languages
    Ctrl+Num 9 – Infinite Nanites
    Ctrl+Num 0 – Infinite Quicksilver
    Alt+Num 1 – Launch Thruster Infinite Energy
    Alt+Num 2 – Pulse Engine Infinite Energy
    Alt+Num 3 – Hyperdrive Infinite Energy
    Alt+Num 4 – Scanner Instant Charge
    Alt+Num 5 – Life Support Infinite Energy
    Alt+Num 6 – Hazard Protection Infinite Energy
    Alt+Num 7 – Multi-Tool Infinite Energy
  14. 免费
    名称:Lords of the Fallen Trainer
    版本: v1.0-v1.5+

    Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hits
    Num 2 – Infinite Health
    Num 3 – Infinite Stamina
    Num 4 – Infinite Mana
    Num 5 – Infinite Ammo
    Num 6 – Infinite Soulflay Charges
    Num 7 – Zero Weight
    Num 8 – 100% Drop Rate
    Num 9 – Infinite Consumables
    Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Num . – Damage Multiplier
    Num + – Defense Multiplier
    PageUp – Max Poise
    PageDown – Instant Clear Negative Status Buildup
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Vigor
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Vigor Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Set Player Speed
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Set Movement Speed
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Set Game Speed
    Edit Player Stats
    Alt+Num 1 – Edit Level
    Alt+Num 2 – Edit Strength
    Alt+Num 3 – Edit Agility
    Alt+Num 4 – Edit Endurance
    Alt+Num 5 – Edit Vitality
    Alt+Num 6 – Edit Radiance
    Alt+Num 7 – Edit Inferno
    Alt+Num 8 – Edit Stamina Regen Rate
    Alt+Num 9 – Edit Mana Regen Rate
    Shift+F1 – Edit Smite Resistance
    Shift+F2 – Edit Bleed Resistance
    Shift+F3 – Edit Burn Resistance
    Shift+F4 – Edit Ignite Resistance
    Shift+F5 – Edit Frostbite Resistance
    Shift+F6 – Edit Poison Resistance
    This game uses EasyAntiCheat protection, in order to launch this game without EAC, please follow these instructions:
    Steam/Epic Games Version:
    1. Copy “LOTF2.exe” to the game folder and replace the original file (backup the original file if needed).
    2. Start the game.
    Game Pass Version:
    1. Launch the game and trainer. Trainer will display an error message regarding anti-cheat and close itself.
    2. Close the game.
    3. Launch the trainer again. You should see a “Launch Game Pass Version” button on the trainer, click this button to launch the game.
    You should only need to perform step 1 and step 2 once. You can launch the Game Pass version directly from the trainer afterward.
    1. 复制”LOTF2.exe”到游戏目录中覆盖。
    2. 运行游戏
    Game Pass版:
    1. 运行游戏和修改器,修改器会出现关于反作弊的错误提示并自动退出。
    2. 退出游戏。
    3. 重新运行修改器,修改器上会出现一个 “运行 Game Pass 版本” 按钮,点击该按钮运行游戏。
    第1和第2步只需进行一次(让修改器检测到Game Pass版本游戏路径),以后直接通过修改器运行Game Pass版本游戏即可。
  15. 免费
    名称:Granblue Fantasy: Relink Trainer

    Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hits
    Num 2 – Infinite Health
    Num 3 – Max Skybound Art Gauge
    Num 4 – Max Link
    Num 5 – Max Arts
    Num 6 – Instant Skill Cooldown
    Num 7 – Infinite Recovery Items
    Num 8 – Set Game Speed
    Num 9 – Set Movement Speed
    Num 0 – Infinite Jumps
    Num . – One Hit Stun
    Num + – Stun Multiplier
    Num – – Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Num / – Damage Multiplier
    Num * – Defense Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Infinite Exp
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Exp Multiplier
    Alt+Num 1 – Edit Gold
    Alt+Num 2 – Edit MSP
    Alt+Num 3 – Edit Rafale Coins
    Alt+Num 4 – Edit Crewmate Cards
    Alt+Num 5 – Edit Knickknack Vouchers
    Alt+Num 6 – Edit Dalia Badges
    Alt+Num 7 – Obtain All Weapon Materials
    Alt+Num 8 – Obtain All Consumables
    Alt+Num 9 – Obtain All World Items
    Alt+Num 0 – Obtain All Elemental Items
    Alt+Num . – Obtain All Monster Materials
    Alt+Num / – Edit Revenant Medallions
    Alt+Num * – Edit Supreme Weapon Essences
    Alt+Num + – Infinite Curio Boxes
    Alt+Num – – Infinite Transmarvel Stocks
  16. 免费
    名称:Soulmask Trainer
    版本:Early Access+

    Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hits
    Num 2 – Infinite Health
    Num 3 – Infinite Stamina
    Num 4 – Infinite Resilience
    Num 5 – Infinite Breath
    Num 6 – Max Mask Energy
    Num 7 – Max Morale
    Num 8 – Max Satiety
    Num 9 – Max Hydration
    Num 0 – Stealth Mode
    F1 – One Hit Stun
    F2 – Resilience Damage Multiplier
    F3 – One Hit Kills
    F4 – Damage Multiplier
    F5 – Defense Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Dragged Item Amount
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Item Pickup Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Zero Weight
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Infinite Equipment Durability
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Set Game Speed
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Set Player Speed
    Ctrl+Num 7 – Set Movement Speed
    Ctrl+Num 8 – Set Jump Height
    Shift+F1 – Edit Coma Protection
    Shift+F2 – Edit Paralysis Protection
    Shift+F3 – Edit Bleed Protection
    Shift+F4 – Edit Poison
    Shift+F5 – Edit Radiation
    Shift+F6 – Edit Mood
    Alt+Num 1 – Infinite Exp
    Alt+Num 2 – Exp Multiplier
    Alt+Num 3 – Infinite Mask Exp
    Alt+Num 4 – Mask Exp Multiplier
    Alt+Num 5 – Max Proficiency
    Alt+Num 6 – Proficiency Multiplier
    Alt+Num 7 – Edit Attribute Points
    Alt+Num 8 – Edit Tech Points
    Alt+Num 9 – Freeze Daytime
    Alt+Num 0 – Time Pass Speed
    Alt+Num . – Save Location
    Alt+Num / – Teleport Saved Location
    Alt+Num * – Teleport To Waypoint Location
  17. 免费
    名称:F1 24 Trainer
    版本: v1.2+

    Ctrl+Num 1 – Freeze Opponents
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Infinite ERS Remaining Energy
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Infinite ERS Overall Energy
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Infinite ERS Harvested Energy
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Max Tire Condition
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Edit Tire Core Temperature
    Ctrl+Num 7 – Edit Tire Surface Temperature
    Ctrl+Num 8 – Edit Brake Temperature
    Ctrl+Num 9 – Max Engine Condition
    Ctrl+Num 0 – Edit Engine Temperature
    Alt+Num 1 – Edit Money
    Alt+Num 2 – Edit Research Points
    Alt+Num 3 – Set Game Speed
    This game uses EAAntiCheat protection, in order to launch this game without EAAntiCheat, please follow these instructions:
    1. Backup the original “EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe” file in your game folder.
    2. Copy the “EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe” that comes with the trainer to your game folder.
    3. Launch the trainer first, then launch the game.
    4. The game will show an online services error, click “Cancel” to continue in offline mode.
    Note, if you want to run the game without trainer, please restore the original “EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe”.
    1. 备份游戏目录中的原始”EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe”文件。
    2. 复制修改器附带的”EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe”到游戏目录中。
    3. 先运行修改器,再运行游戏。
    4. 游戏会提示在线服务错误,点击”取消”即可以离线模式进行游戏。
  18. 免费
    名称:Hogwarts Legacy Trainer

    Num 1 – Infinite Health
    Num 2 – Edit Max Health
    Num 3 – Infinite Ancient Magic Energy
    Num 4 – Max Combo
    Num 5 – Infinite Item Usage
    Num 6 – Spells Instant Cooldown
    Num 7 – Set Player Speed
    Num 8 – Set Movement Speed
    Num 9 – Set Game Speed
    Num 0 – One Hit Kills
    Num . – Damage Multiplier
    Num + – Defense Multiplier
    Num – – Life Leech (%)
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Stealth Mode
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Infinite Exp
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Exp Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Shop Items Cost 0 Money
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Gain Money When Buying Items
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Money Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 7 – Loots Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 8 – Max Extraordinary Gear Drop Rate
    Ctrl+Num 9 – Max Legendary Gear Drop Rate
    Alt+Num 1 – Infinite Broom Boost
    Alt+Num 2 – Infinite Potion Effect Duration
    Alt+Num 3 – Items Won’t Decrease
    Alt+Num 4 – Instant Grow Plants
    Alt+Num 5 – Instant Brew Potions
    Alt+Num 6 – No Brew Potion Requirements
    Alt+Num 7 – Ignore Conjuration Requirements
    Alt+Num 8 – Unlock All Fast Travel Locations
    Alt+Num 9 – Edit Max Gear Slot Count
    Alt+Num 0 – Edit Talent Points
    Alt+Num + – Teleport To Waypoint
  19. 免费
    名称:Enshrouded Trainer
    版本:Early Access+
    Note: Single Player Only.

    Num 1 – Infinite Health
    Num 2 – Infinite Mana
    Num 3 – Infinite Stamina
    Num 4 – Freeze Enshrouded Duration
    Num 5 – Max Comfort
    Num 6 – Infinite Equipment Durability
    Num 7 – Edit Critical Chance
    Num 8 – Increase Critical Damage %
    Num 9 – Increase Melee Damage %
    Num 0 – Increase Ranged Damage %
    Num . – Increase Magic Damage %
    Num + – Enemies Can’t Attack
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Exp
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Exp Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Skill Points Won’t Decrease
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Edit Dragged Item Amount
    Ctrl+Num 5 – No Crafting Material Requirements
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Set Game Speed
  20. 免费
    名称:Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance Trainer

    Num 1 – God Mode
    Num 2 – Infinite Ammo
    Num 3 – Vehicles: Infinite Fuel
    Num 4 – Vehicles: Infinite Spare Parts
    Num 5 – Skirmish: Infinite Command Points
    Num 6 – Skirmish: Freeze Time Left
    Num 7 – Edit Goodwill Points
    Num 8 – Edit Manpower Resources
    Num 9 – Edit Supply Resources
    Num 0 – Set Game Speed
    Num . – Super Damage/Fast Kills
    Num + – Damage Multiplier
    Num – – Defense Multiplier
  21. 免费
    名称:Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Trainer

    版本: v1.0+

    Num 1 – Infinite HP
    Num 2 – Infinite MP
    Num 3 – Max Magatsuhi Gauge
    Num 4 – Infinite Actions
    Num 5 – 100% Drop Rate
    Num 6 – Stealth Mode
    Num 7 – Set Player Speed
    Num 8 – Set Movement Speed
    Num 9 – Set Jump Height
    Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kills
    Num . – Damage Multiplier
    Num + – Defense Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Money
    Ctrl+Num 2 – Money Multiplier
    Ctrl+Num 3 – Edit Glory
    Ctrl+Num 4 – Obtain All Consumables
    Ctrl+Num 5 – Obtain All Relics
    Ctrl+Num 6 – Obtain All Essences
    Alt+Num 1 – Infinite Exp
    Alt+Num 2 – Exp Multiplier
    Alt+Num 3 – Set Game Speed
    Edit Player Stats
    Alt+Num 4 – Edit Player: Strength
    Alt+Num 5 – Edit Player: Vitality
    Alt+Num 6 – Edit Player: Magic
    Alt+Num 7 – Edit Player: Agility
    Alt+Num 8 – Edit Player: Luck
    Edit Demon Stats
    Alt+Num 9 – Edit Demon: Strength
    Alt+Num 0 – Edit Demon: Vitality
    Alt+Num . – Edit Demon: Magic
    Alt+Num + – Edit Demon: Agility
    Alt+Num – – Edit Demon: Luck
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