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[分享发现] 群友 100 大爱好 中文原版+英文版




群友 100 大爱好 [ update version ] :
8.喜欢玩 esim
9.喜欢购买一些奇奇怪怪的 sim 卡
10.想方设法在中国大陆合法的使用外国 sim 卡里的流量翻墙
11.喜欢购买 gv ,即使封了 114514 个号
12.想方设法的给 gv 保号
13.喜欢屯 USDT
14.喜欢花 USDT
15.喜欢折腾 PayPal
18.喜欢使用 frp 进行翻墙代理
19.被 frp 封号之后喜欢开小号继续用
20.喜欢使用 CLOUDFLARE 代理隧道
21.喜欢使用 CLOUDFLARE workers 搭建 VLESS
23.不管买什么东西都要翻到底找一找有没有 USDT 或 paypal 支付
26.喜欢白嫖 AWS 、Oracle 等各种机器
27.喜欢使用 CloudFront 代理隧道
28.喜欢使用各种免费白嫖 CDN 代理伪装隧道
29.喜欢购买类似 5ber 的实体 esim 卡往里写号玩
30.群内所有人都喜欢玩 p2p
31.群内大部分人都喜欢 P2P 组自己的大内网
32.喜欢购买各种纯 IPV6 小鸡
35.热衷于白嫖 CF
36.喜欢使用 dnspod
39.喜欢折腾 LXC 小鸡
40.喜欢在 LXC 小鸡上套用 ts
43.有 N 种办法玩炸 database
46.喜欢异想天开,诸如套多个 CDN 拉直小鸡线路
47.喜欢极致的暴力美学( Hysteria2 )
48.对服务商封 UDP 表示极其不满
50.在配置 BGP 的时候炸掉了全球大半个互联网
51.喜欢发动 51%攻击
52.在配置 DN42 的时候炸掉了整个小互联网
53.喜欢自建权威 DNS
54.在面对多个自建 DNS 同时爆炸的时候手忙脚乱
55.喜欢用各种月抛 FRP 穿透本地 NAS 里的小电影库
56.热衷于在纯 v6 鸡上添加 v4 ,在纯 v4 鸡上添加 v6
61.在群里聊 novelai 并封群
62.在新群里聊 lgbt 并再封群
64. 鉴证
67.在 q 群内辱骂吗🌺*导致被封号
68. 因吹牛失败破防被围攻
69.和群友 69
70.开 idc 并跑路
71.在群内 0721
74.被 cc 的时候解析到 gov.cn
75.在 1 核 1G 服务器跑 pcdn 被制裁
77.计算 y=x(76×76)76
79.用 AWP ACE 全隊
80.8080 被爆
82.玩 NAS 硬盘爆炸后发现同时炸了两块无法恢复
86.家里云被 d 到路由器冒烟
88.开 idc 然后和友商互殴
89.开 idc 对接一堆云之后和上游一起跑路
90.先整 nas 再制造文件往里存,制造自己需要这个 nas 的假象
95.在 mcsm 群游玩变成男梁
96.openwrt 里塞 docker ,docker 里塞 qemu ,qemu 里塞 windows server2022

使用 o1-preview 翻译,少数几条太离谱的没翻译出来,手动修了下,欢迎继续纠错

[ENG Version] CN Group Members' Top 100 Hobbies [Updated Version]:

  1. Finding ways to spend foreign currency domestically.
  2. Finding ways to spend CNY abroad.
  3. Finding methods to take CNY out of the country.
  4. Figuring out how to bring foreign currency in.
  5. Applying for cards that aren't very useful domestically.
  6. Getting cards that are even less useful abroad.
  7. Finding ways to transfer money between a bunch of useless cards.
  8. Enjoy playing with eSIMs.
  9. Love purchasing various strange SIM cards.
  10. Finding legal ways to use foreign SIM card data in mainland China to bypass restrictions.
  11. Enjoy buying Google Voice numbers, even if 114,514 accounts have been banned.
  12. Figuring out how to keep Google Voice numbers active.
  13. Like hoarding USDT.
  14. Enjoy spending USDT.
  15. Love tinkering with PayPal.
  16. Enjoy buying tiny VMs around the world.
  17. Like building messy protocol tunnels to bypass GFW.
  18. Enjoy using frp for proxying to bypass GFW.
  19. After being banned from frp, love creating new accounts to continue using it.
  20. Enjoy using Cloudflare proxy tunnels.
  21. Like using Cloudflare Workers to set up VLESS.
  22. Love binding various foreign virtual cards to WeChat and Alipay.
  23. Always check for USDT or PayPal payment options when buying anything.
  24. Enjoy making up identity information when purchasing domain names.
  25. Like buying annually expiring domain names.
  26. Love getting free AWS, Oracle, and various other servers.
  27. Enjoy using CloudFront proxy tunnels.
  28. Like using various free CDN proxies to disguise tunnels.
  29. Enjoy purchasing physical eSIM cards like 5ber to program numbers.
  30. Everyone in the group likes to experiment with P2P.
  31. Most group members enjoy using P2P to build their own large intranets.
  32. Like purchasing various pure IPv6 VPS.
  33. Enjoy using overseas Tencent Cloud or Alibaba Cloud servers to set up proxies.
  34. Always keen on finding stable servers with good routes in Taiwan.
  35. Enthusiastic about getting free services from Cloudflare.
  36. Love using DNSPod.
  37. Enjoy getting free third-level domain names as proxy domain names.
  38. Like tinkering with tiny VPS.
  39. Enjoy experimenting with LXC containers.
  40. Love applying traffic shaping on LXC servers.
  41. Enjoy deploying production services on unstable servers that might disappear at any time.
  42. Proficient in a hundred ways to delete databases and run away.
  43. Have countless methods to crash databases.
  44. Frequently accidentally delete important files.
  45. When idle, always try to do something, but it spirals out of control and makes a bigger mess.
  46. Enjoy whimsical ideas, such as stacking multiple CDNs to improve server routes.
  47. Love the ultimate in extreme performance (Hysteria2).
  48. Extremely dissatisfied with service providers blocking UDP.
  49. Like printing domain certificates (even though it's useless).
  50. Crashed half of the global internet while configuring BGP.
  51. Enjoy launching 51% attacks.
  52. Crashed the entire small internet while configuring DN42.
  53. Love building their own authoritative DNS.
  54. Flustered when multiple self-built DNS servers crash simultaneously.
  55. Enjoy using various temporary frp services to access local NAS media libraries remotely.
  56. Keen on adding IPv4 to pure IPv6 servers, and adding IPv6 to pure IPv4 servers.
  57. Like using multiple servers for load balancing.
  58. Load balancing configuration errors causing services to crash immediately.
  59. In collaborative development, still perform write operations after others have set write locks.
  60. Love tinkering with local high-bandwidth intranets or local storage servers.
  61. Discussed NovelAI in the group and got the group banned.
  62. Talked about LGBT topics in the new group and got banned again.
  63. Sharing various images, including cross-dressing photos, in the group.
  64. discussing politics online.
  65. Posting explicit images.
  66. Discussing politics in the NSFW group, and sharing NSFW in the political discussion group.
  67. Insulted others in QQ groups, leading to account bans.
  68. Breaking down after failing to boast and getting besieged.
  69. Engaging in mutual activities with group members.
  70. Opened an IDC and then ran away.
  71. Participated in certain activities within the group.
  72. Showing off fighter jets in the group.
  73. Pretending to be poor in the group.
  74. Redirecting attacks to gov.cn when under CC attacks.
  75. Running PCDN on a 1-core 1G server and getting penalized.
  76. Calculating √76×76.
  77. Computing y = x(76×76)76.
  78. After purchasing high-spec servers, creating low-spec servers.
  79. Using AWP to ace the entire team.
  80. Port 8080 getting attacked.
  81. Multicasting and then getting broadband blocked by the ISP.
  82. Playing with NAS, hard drives fail simultaneously and cannot recover.
  83. Multicasting and broadcasting to an entire province.
  84. Webpages cannot be opened.
  85. Homelab catches fire.
  86. Homelab gets attacked until the router overheats.
  87. After data goes to the cloud, data is lost.
  88. Opened an IDC and then fought with competitors.
  89. Opened an IDC, connected to multiple cloud providers, and then shut down the business together with the upstream provider.
  90. Set up a NAS, created files to store in it using script, creating the illusion of needing the NAS.
  91. Opened a forum and got net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
  92. Getsockopt.
  93. Bangbang.
  94. ICP Filing was revoked
  95. Played in the MCSM group and became a "femboy".
  96. Installed Docker in OpenWRT, QEMU in Docker, and Windows Server 2022 in QEMU.
  97. Enjoy launching Genshin Impact.
  98. Enjoy launching Honkai: Star Rail.
  99. Enjoy launching Zenless Zone Zero.
  100. At certain times, like to shout "I'm an idiot" in the group.

Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 2.05.57 AM.webp

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