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[分享创造] I just created AIcompliment.me



Hey V2EX community,

Here to share my latest project with you all - AIcompliment.me, a simple and delightful web app designed to brighten your day with personalized compliments from AI.

Inspired by the success of Compliment Me, which saw an impressive surge in traffic with 8K visitors and 15K compliments generated, I decided to create my own version using a Vercel template. The response has been fantastic, and we’re already gaining traction!

Why AIcompliment.me?

Simple and Fast: Our minimalist design ensures a seamless experience.

The project was a breeze to set up with a Vercel template, showing just how quickly you can bring an idea to life.

Feel free to share your thoughts and spread the word. Your feedback and support mean the world to us!

Stay positive,

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