小天管理 发表于 2024年7月28日 发表于 2024年7月28日 为啥对不上?好奇怪 1 、openresty github 官方示例 https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-string local aes = require "resty.aes" local str = require "resty.string" local aes_128_cbc_md5 = aes:new("AKeyForAES") -- the default cipher is AES 128 CBC with 1 round of MD5 -- for the key and a nil salt local encrypted = aes_128_cbc_md5:encrypt("Secret message!") ngx.say("AES 128 CBC (MD5) Encrypted HEX: ", str.to_hex(encrypted)) ngx.say("AES 128 CBC (MD5) Decrypted: ", aes_128_cbc_md5:decrypt(encrypted)) 2 、自己编写 lua 测试 local aes = require "resty.aes" local str = require "resty.string" local aes_128_cbc_md5 = aes:new("gOxiO7IIRthJ406X") -- the default cipher is AES 128 CBC with 1 round of MD5 -- for the key and a nil salt local encrypted = aes_128_cbc_md5:encrypt("hello") ngx.say("AES 128 CBC (MD5) Encrypted HEX: ", str.to_hex(encrypted)) ngx.say("AES 128 CBC (MD5) Decrypted: ", aes_128_cbc_md5:decrypt(encrypted)) -- 输出结果 AES 128 CBC (MD5) Encrypted HEX: de6641e8a49ef1911a10d9ec88cc477b AES 128 CBC (MD5) Decrypted: hello 3 、java 实现 @Test public void testEncryptText() { String key = "gOxiO7IIRthJ406X"; byte[] iv = new byte[16]; String text = "hello"; AES aes = new AES(Mode.CBC, Padding.PKCS5Padding, SecureUtil.md5(key).getBytes(), iv); System.out.println(aes.encryptHex(text)); // 输出:446d1192d40aa0d05e3c30392ac43ec3 aes = new AES(Mode.CBC, Padding.PKCS5Padding, key.getBytes(), iv); System.out.println(aes.encryptHex(text)); // 输出:190ede3e1359a6e4d8ecf38c8f4bce63 }